PLUS! We have very interesting Sections such as Flyers, Discography, every single Show date, etc!
This website is dedicated to fans of the band around the world. Enjoy!
More info at the right bar.
We do not add scans of the members's alternative bands/side projects,
unless they talk about a member of the band individually.
Owner: Vany Lizana Aguilera.
Active Since: August 2007.
(Best viewed in Mozilla Firerox.)
For specific results,
write your search in quotation marks.
MCR Fansites:
~ The Immortality Project
Music Related:
~ Drownphin
~ Kavorka
Companies, Art:
~ Literary Killer Photography
~ Fueled by Ramen
~ Eyeball Records
-> To see the Scans of each month you must click the arrows of each year and then the arrows of months.
-> To see the Scans in their original size you must click them.
-> There are some Scans that we don't know their month but we know their year, those Scans are in each December 4rd of each year.
- The Immortality Project ©.
- Tillie (Captain Gromit)
- Our friend Martina (Czech Scans)
- (Already Not Available)
- MCR Spain.
- Internet in General (If some of the Scans of this website are yours, contact us to put you here!)